Amazon PPC Management for Programmatic Display, Liquidation Pallets and Campaign Optimization

Amazon PPC Management

Explosive Takeoff | Optimization | Real-time Stats | Cost-efficiency

Get ready for your store's successful launch and promotion with our Amazon PPC management. Let our Amazon PPC agency handle your strategy, budget allocation, and optimization.

Amazon PPC Services

Sponsored Brand Ads

We create and optimize sponsored brand ads that appear on the top results, within search results, or on product pages. This can boost your visibility and make people remember your brand the next time they shop online, aka customer loyalty. We achieve this by using both keyword targeting & product targeting to make your brand discoverable by all means.

Sponsored Product Ads

Sponsored product ads are slightly different from sponsored brand ads, and so is our approach to managing them. We optimize these ads by search intent, making people land directly on your product pages. The team uses smart bidding on keywords people are searching for to maximize traffic. With our Sponsored ads management, we can help you target a large spectrum of potential buyers.

Product Display Ads

We work on product display ads to bring large traffic of high-intent buyers to your website store or landing page. Our expertise in product display can help you place your ads on competitor's pages to target people by their interests. By doing so, experts can boost your upselling & cross-selling through a relevant and useful Amazon display. Make use of our display advertising solutions to fulfill your customer needs and get exponential sales.

Dedicated Amazon PPC Specialist

Hire an Amazon PPC specialist who can provide you with ongoing support. With a guiding and helping hand by your side, your business can thrive every day by having something new and innovative. Boasting an expertise of several thousand hours, our Amazon Ads specialist can provide unmatched experience and push your sales margin beyond expectations.
• Amazon SEO specialist
• Amazon FBA specialist
• Amazon listing specialist

Amazon PPC Automation

Our creative Amazon PPC Automation can save you several hours and the exhaustion that goes into sponsored ad campaigns. By streamlining your workflow and tracking setup, we can improve your ROAS and reduce ACoS effectively. This takes a lot of steam off your team, and you can focus on truly productive tasks.

Lightning Deals, Coupons & Promotion Management

Boost sales and customer traffic by creating seasonal discounts, deals, coupons, and promotions. We use smart budget allocation to create lightning deals that contribute a significant amount of profit and sales in a short amount of time. The same goes for creating coupons and promotional deals where we target users by their intent and shopping days.

Amazon Keyword Research

Our SEO experts provide in-depth seo keyword research for your Amazon products. Targeting precise words people are searching for while looking for products. By doing so, we can filter out those shoppers who have a passing intent, and drive those who will actually buy from you. That's why we use smart keyword bidding to ensure that your ads are seen by people who are most likely to complete the purchase.

Strategy Consultant

Amazon selling is a highly competitive environment and to thrive in these conditions, you need an experienced marketing strategy consultant. We assign an Amazon PPC consultant who has experienced the ups and downs of the market firsthand and has dealt with them excellently. He/she will help you clear obstacles in establishing and growing a profitable store using advanced PPC strategies.
• Product strategy consulting
• Pricing strategy consulting
• Amazon Ad strategy
• Brand strategy Consulting
• Growth Strategy Consulting

Amazon Programmatic Display

Our expertise in programmatic display ads gives you a massive edge over your competitors. Our team uses programmatic DSP to help you buy ad space on platforms like Google, YouTube, etc. This is the fastest and most holistic approach to skyrocketing your Amazon sales. Experts know best how to win at programmatic SSPs to display your best possible ad videos and images.
• Programmatic Video Advertising
• Preferred Deals
• Social Ads
• Private Marketplace

Liquidation Pallets

We can also set up a PPC campaign for your overstock liquidation pallets. You have probably bought a product/s because of its hype and all, but it turns out to be a flop. We can turn this pallet liquidation into another source of revenue for you. The Amazon FBA specialist tries to sell your excessive inventory through smart deals, promotions & coupons beating your competitors in the process.

Why Choose Us

Most business owners are eager to see results and increase in revenue in earlier stages but most of them need to learn the PPC best practices to outsmart their competition. Selling on Amazon is a highly competitive game and, over the course of two decades, we have mastered the inside tricks, and PPC tools, and fortified our strategy building.
Amazon PPC experts create scalable solutions by increasing sales, consistency, seasonal boosts, and profit-cost management.
Projects Delivered
Clients Satisfied
Years Experience
Countries Served
Success Score


Comprehensive Amazon Audit

Before we kickstart your new campaign or induce life into your existing one, we conduct a complete Amazon account audit using PPC tools. The team monitors the performance of your PPC on ad exchanges to draw insights. We scrutinize your campaign, identify gaps, and create reports to tackle the existing issues and the ones that may potentially appear in the future.

Amazon Account Setup and Management

Our team sets up an Amazon advertising account for your store that is favorable and suited for a successful launch. We handle everything in the setup from products, keywords, and ad copy to smart budget allocations. Moreover, the team sets up your Amazon ad account with smart bidding to reduce ACoS and improve ROAS.

Amazon PPC Analytics

The success doesn't happen overnight. We constantly track your ad performance and make changes for better optimizations using Amazon PPC software. A dedicated Amazon PPC manager is assigned the task of supervising to make sure your ad campaign is performing at its best. With a custom dashboard, we can curate metrics or KPIs (CTR, CPC ad network, impressions, ROAS, ACoS, etc) personalized to your PPC campaign.

Campaign Optimization

Experts implement campaign optimization marketing to ensure that you see more revenue with each cycle. Rather than convincing someone to buy a product they don't need, we target those people who are actively looking to buy the products you have using PPC optimization tools.
An Amazon listing specialist is responsible for including keywords in product listings to bring in organic traffic alongwith:
• Campaign budget optimization
• Ads optimization
• Marketing action optimization

Amazon Campaign Tracking and Reporting

Instead of putting your campaign on auto-pilot, you as an owner, should be aware of your PPC progress. For complete transparency, we deliver Weekly/Bi-weekly/Monthly reports where you can glance at your performance.
The manager observes the changes, if something is not working well for your campaign, he actively looks for a way to boost your profitability and makes relevant changes.


  • "I have finally been able to cut through colossal heaps of product pages and noise. Thanks to your genius Amazon content agency which helped me get the DSP strategy in order. My ads are now being ranked in SERPs with automated workflow. This has brought me high-quality traffic at scale with minimum or no friction. Simply the best programmatic ad agency."
    Michael Miller, Business owner, Atlanta (USA)
  • "Truly a transformative experience! You guys turned my messy pages into dynamic and optimized ones. My store reviews and feedback have shifted heavily towards positive. Thanks to your team of product strategy consultants who are masters of their craft. Working with you guys has brought me exceptional results."
    Alfred Smith, Store Owner, Cambridge (UK)
  • "You guys saved me a lot of money at the Amazon liquidation auction. Your team sure knows its way around pallet liquidations and how to sell them effectively in a short amount of time. This has allowed me to keep my sales margin at a good price, saving me from a major loss."
    Bonnie Oliver, Amazon Liquidator, Hobart (Australia)


Amazon Audit

Amazon Audit

Amazon Setup

Amazon Setup

Store Analysis

Store Analysis

Keyword Research & Amazon Strategy

Keyword Research & Amazon Strategy



Post-launch Reporting

Post-launch Reporting

Industries we work in

Ecommerce website designs and development services

Retail / Ecommerce

Educational seo optimized websites

Education & e-learning

Health & Fitness digital marketing services

Health & Fitness

Logistics & Distribution digital marketing services

Logistics & Distribution

Game development and custom app development services


Social media marketing services

Social Networking

Real Estate seo and web development services

Real Estate

Travel blog seo and & Hospitality website design services with with seo optimized development experts

Travel & Hospitality

Food & Restaurant

Food & Restaurant

On Demand custom mobile app and websites Solutions

On Demand Solutions


Have a project in mind?

Reach out to us to avail of our Amazon PPC services in Sponsored Product ads, brand ads, product display ads, Amazon advertising specialists, Amazon PPC automation, keyword expansion, programmatic DSP, product strategy consulting, liquidation pallet, and several other aspects. Get started right away with our 24/7 ongoing support and prompt response team.

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