Web Design Elements for your business website or informational blog

Web Design Elements

Visual Appeal | Navigation | User-friendly | Responsive

Enhance your website's look and feel with our customized web design elements. Let us improve your web page navigation with aesthetic designs and actionable buttons.


CTA Button Design

"Get awesome CTA business buttons and page designs that motivate users to complete an action. Using CTA best practices, we can maximize engagement and click-through rates with aesthetic designs. These designs are made to simplify and appeal to a user. We also create Meta CTA options and icons on your website to drive traffic to your social media handles.",
• CTA Email
• Newsletter CTA
• E-Commerce call to action

Hero Section Website

Get high-quality Hero section website designs that encourage visitors to stick to your page. We work to create a brilliant hero image website design that makes a great first impression. Using website hero image best practices, we like to deliver a clean and sophisticated design that speaks for itself. With smart use of white space, icons, and typography, we can increase dwell time and aesthetic appeal.

Website Footer Design

Give a great reading finish to your web pages with our website footer design. This is where most of the conversions take place. So we leave no stone unturned in the creation of an appealing footer website design. Using website footer best practices, we create a clear and understandable design that appeals to people's interests and they can get in touch with you right away.

Website Menu Bar Design

We create a website menu bar with aesthetic visuals and a clear set of options. Menu designers create the menu functionality, appearance, and placement of elements in general layout. We work closely with developers to prepare a design that is feasible and successful for user experience. The site web menu is designed to follow the user’s intent and creates easy navigation for visitors.

Breadcrumbs UI Design

Let us add more to your website’s look and navigation with our breadcrumbs UI design. We also work with mobile breadcrumbs to create responsive designs and avoid glitchy interfaces. Due to our long-running expertise in website designs, we are well aware that breadcrumbs and SEO go hand-in-hand for a successful web performance.

Web Form Design

Using web form design best practices, we tend to deliver some of the most converting lead gen pages. Our team makes the user journey easy and visually appealing with a simple yet rich form design, placements of input fields, and brand elements. With the right color contrast and design typography, we can present a readable form for all age groups.

Web Card design

Enhance your website outlook and content readability with amazing web card designs. These cards are designed to support skimmable content so users can get exactly what they are looking for. The card colors, shades, lighting, and font style, are all these factors that go into creating a prominent web card design. We can display your products/services in a brilliant layout that encourages visitors to read your content and take action.

Progress Indicator UI design

We create a customized elegant dashboard with all the progress and status indicators displayed excellently. Users and website owners can find it pretty easy to understand the progress of their actions. For redirection purposes, we also design an indicator loading element to keep your visitors engaged so they won’t bounce back or close the tab out of irritation. This also includes a linear indicator or a progress bar circle.

Favicon Design

Our team also provides dynamic favicon designs for each of your web pages. Using favicon best practices, we create icons that represent your brand prominently and elegantly. These elements are designed to match your brand style guide. We create favicon from SVG files to be responsive and adaptable to all devices. Such favicons are easy to find even if the user opens a hundred tabs.

Website Pop Up Banner Design

Maximize your marketing efforts and generate leads with our pop up banner designs. Our custom-made pop up sign up form can drive user actions and leads. We design your popup display to be attention-grabbing and aesthetically appealing. This matches your overall website design and your marketing objectives as well.
• Pop Up banners for Events
• Pop Up advertising Banner
• Marketing Pop Up Banners

Why Choose Us

WebDigitalSphere has been redesigning websites for over two decades and we have strengthened our design strategy that brings traffic and improves SEO, and lead generation. These successful practices are the essence of our several projects in all niches.
Our web element designs are aimed at enhancing user experience and web interfaces to their fullest potential. Let your website speak for itself when it comes to brand outlook, creating an impact, and delivering value.
Projects Delivered
Clients Satisfied
Years Experience
Countries Served
Success Score


Website Navigation SEO

Every design that we deliver for your web elements is aimed at enhancing your navigation SEO and visual user experience. Using website navigation best practices, we work to optimize your browsing and brand discovery. With user intent in mind, we create a mind map of how your web page navigation design should look. Designing a navigation bar with that mind map creates a lot of ease for developers and ultimately users.
• Footer Navigation
• Ecommerce Navigation
• Hierarchical Navigation

Accessible Designs

The visuals, color scheme, and font styles are chosen to be readable for people of all groups (ADA compliant). Designers create a universal design that makes the content look more prominent and easy to navigate. We practice this consideration in our designs to improve the UI & UX of the website. This helps us cast a wider net of potential customers/clients who can read and respond to your brand.

Visual Hierarchy

All elements are strategically placed to support easy navigation and readability. Our designers can influence users’ perception of your website and guide them to take desired actions. These elements are discussed with marketers and developers to follow a design structure that aligns with business objectives. With this hierarchical structure, we make the content more easy to understand and turn browsing into conversions.


  • "Phenomenal designs from you guys! People have now started taking us more seriously, thanks to your email CTA designs. We have risen above the category of spam. These designers were well aware of email CTA best practices, which they have showcased in their designs. Their choice of call to action colors, icons, background, everything was spot-on."
    Freddy Gordo, WebMaster, Chicago (USA)
  • "These guys helped me realize what was missing from a kickass website design. A well-designed site footer. WebDigitalSphere has been helping me grow my website performance and interface. They have delivered website footers for all my platforms that have helped in conversions and improved the look of overall website design."
    Ernie Barns, Senior Web Designer, Tottenham (UK)
  • "Fabulous piece of work! Your website button design have truly transformed my website outlook and engagement. We now see a boost in dwell time, engagement, leads, and more. The positive feedback is flooding in, thanks to improved UI and UX performance. Including those epic breadcrumbs ux designs that have helped us improve our SEO, buyer journey, website visuals, and structure."
    Ravi Shankar, Business Owner, Pune (India)


Requirements Collection

Requirements Collection

UI Strategy

UI Strategy

Mock Designs

Mock Designs

Design Phase

Design Phase





Industries we work in

Ecommerce website designs and development services

Retail / Ecommerce

Educational seo optimized websites

Education & e-learning

Health & Fitness digital marketing services

Health & Fitness

Logistics & Distribution digital marketing services

Logistics & Distribution

Game development and custom app development services


Social media marketing services

Social Networking

Real Estate seo and web development services

Real Estate

Travel blog seo and & Hospitality website design services with with seo optimized development experts

Travel & Hospitality

Food & Restaurant

Food & Restaurant

On Demand custom mobile app and websites Solutions

On Demand Solutions


Have a project in mind?

Send us a proposal to get started on your web call to action, web page footer design, web form creation, breadcrumb UI, web page hero section, Web menu bar, pop up display, web cards, status indicators, and favicons.

Digital Agency