Improve your product research for amazon FBA, shopify product listing with pro product research services

Product Research

Opportunities | Improvement | Limited Risk | Business Growth

Rise above your competitors and streamline your sales funnel with our product research services. Let an experienced product researcher do all the work for you while you spend time on productive tasks.

Product Research Services

Amazon FBA Product Research

Find the most profitable products that will make your sales skyrocket, with our Amazon FBA product research. A team of industry experts use their plethora of Amazon FBA tools to comb through Amazon product categories while saving you precious time that you can spend on other business tasks. We also deliver a comprehensive FBA product list that can outlast future changes.
Providing quick insights with our long-running experience in using:
• AMZ Tool kit
• PPC Research tools
• Amazon product research tools

Shopify Product Research

Get instant access to a list of Shopify top selling products relevant to your niche, that generate high demand and massive sales. Experts can provide excellent insights into your customer's mind which help you make calculated decisions. We tend to optimize your product pages and give a better view of your store with Shopify search engine listing preview.
This research can help improve your:
• Revenue pipeline
• Shopify product reviews
• Shopify ratings
• Broad customer reach
• Understanding of visitor's behavior and needs
• Shopify store reviews

Product Sourcing guide

Maintain a consistent supply of high-quality products by talking to our product sourcing agent. By narrowing down the big players, we can present you with an effective supply chain. Even a single reliable source can prove to be highly profitable in product sourcing for e-Commerce. Say farewell to all the errors, irregularities, and delays that come with multiple and unreliable suppliers. Enjoy your increased net profit by reducing extra costs via smart sourcing.
The product sourcing guide includes a checklist of:
• Product sourcing websites
• Product sourcing tools
• Amazon product sourcing
• Manufacturing source
• Wholesale sourcing

Amazon PPC Campaign

Instead of letting you pour every penny into advertisements, we save you by presenting a smart Amazon PPC campaign. An expert carries out a targeted and defined strategy, for creating and managing your ad campaign. Our Amazon PPC service includes increasing ROI (return on investment) and decreasing ACoS (Advertising cost of sales). WebDigitalSphere offers brilliant research for online advertising management in several categories as well:
• Video Advertisements
• Dropshipping Ad
• Advertising Shop
• Dynamic Product Ads
• Advert Websites
• Digital Ad Services
• Sponsored Product Ads
Our product research extends to other online Advertising Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, AdRoll plus several others.

Differentiated Marketing

By using differentiated marketing, we diversify your product reach to different segments of audiences and boost sales instantly. We have a team that implements differentiation strategies for every target demographic, gender, age, niche, work nature, etc. We believe that a differentiation strategy works best when you have a competitive spirit. That allows us to make your customers experience differentiation by being creative and unique in presenting your products.

Dropshipping Product research

Shape the way your store works with our fruitful dropshipping product research. It can be daunting to give several man hours to your store whereas we take dropship product research upon ourselves to find you some jaw-dropping solutions in a shorter period. An expert with a history of success in this niche works on your competitor analysis, keyword research, and product performance. Get ready access to valuable resources like:
• Dropshipping Analytics
• Dropshipping Product Hunting Tools

Product Keyword Targeting

Optimize your product page visibility and Ad campaigns with our smart keyword targeting. We help you get seen in top searches for nearly all keywords revolving around a product (with respect to age, gender, targeted location, etc). Our keyword tracking tool lets us streamline all the paying customers to your product store. Industry experts with their SEO keyword tracking refine your content strategy, competitor analysis, and product development.
This is what we provide in our SEO keyword research service:
• Keyword Research Specialist
• Keyword Marketing
• URL keywords
• Top Amazon Keywords
• Internet Keyword
• Keyword Monitor
• Top keywords for SEO
• Keyword Testing

Amazon Search Trends

We help you analyze Amazon search trends to get detailed insights into the exact search terms people are using when looking for a product. Our smart trend reports help tailor your Ad campaign, product listing, and details page. Amazon trends report will give you the most relevant and profitable terms. Experts present trending product research to stay ahead of your competitors before they even hit the market.

Product Supplier Recommendations

We can minimize costs and streamline consistent supply of quality products by providing wholesale suppliers recommendations. You can increase your profit margin and get rid of extra delays, irregularities, and unexpected losses.
Our expert recommendations include:
• Wholesale suppliers USA
• Dropshipping suppliers USA
• Promotional product supplier
• Small business wholesale suppliers
• Wholesale retail suppliers

Product Search Engine Listing

Optimizing your product page in search engine listing to bring maximum customers to your store. Our most popular are Amazon product listing services where we:
• Conduct Keyword Research
• Optimize Product Titles
• Write optimized Product Descriptions
• Include High-Quality Visuals
• Showcase top Customer Reviews

TAM Analysis (Total Addressability Market)

The team gives the business owner (aka you) a report of his entire revenue opportunity in the market for his product/s. Experts devise a smart TAM financial report covering every possibility of revenue that may fall into your net. By doing so, we project scalability and expansion. Making your business tentacles reach out to every dollar there is to be made with your product.

Why Choose Us

WebDigitalSphere harbors a pool of industry experts who have succeeded in their own ventures through solid product research. Helping you compete head-to-head with established brands and big players by providing key data points. We value your time and money and thus devise the perfect plan, so you make calculated decisions, instead of mindlessly pouring out all the resources.

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Clients Satisfied
Years Experience
Countries Served
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Product Competitor Ads

Our team reviews and analyzes your local competitor's advertising program. Deriving key information for your customer differentiation plan helps you stand out in the market (but with an improved and better outlook). We comb through their every campaign on all advertisement websites like Craigslist, Locanto, eBay, etc. to determine what substance they lack and what we can present better online.

Customer Interviews

Who could review your products better than the customers themselves? We recruit participants, the ones who better represent your future consumer base. A comprehensive interview with a client includes taking note of their interests, experiences, and expectations. Actively listening to their frustrations while we conduct interviews, lets them open up to us and more information flows in. Those tiny details are where the magic happens, leading to ground-breaking results.

Diary Studies

Taking the product testing to a deeper level, by the process of diary studies. Users document their daily activities, interactions, emotions, and opinions revolving around the product. Users are allowed to use any type of medium they want. It can be a journal, audio tape, video, photos, or a combination of any of them. We then collect that valuable information to derive key insights that lead us to discoveries and improvements.

Fake Door Testing

We like to implement fake testing as a pretotype (which comes before a prototype). This is where we test your product demand in the market even before it goes into production. We create online fake door test content like CTA buttons, product pages, add-to-cart, etc. which leads participants to our desired course of action while we keep an eye on the performance of each step in the process.


  • "Your brilliant research has brought me close to a lot of reliable wholesale manufacturers. In a market full of fishy suppliers and manufacturers, you guys pulled off a solid chain of supply for my quality standards. Having been introduced to such reliable manufacturing sourcing, now I do not have to worry about delays, extra costs, losses, or damaged goods"
    Ganesh Mehta, Business owner, Bombay (India)
  • "You guys are the real deal! For a year, I haven't had much success in my dropshipping ventures. But thanks to your genius product research that brought me massive orders on the winning products dropshipping stores have to offer. I have seen the masterful use of dropshipping tools, firsthand. This has taught me several ways to find the most profitable products to sell online."
    Frederick James, Entrepreneur, Southampton (UK)
  • "Gotta hand it to you guys, for helping me reform my product store with valuable data research. Since then, I have been getting massive traffic on every phrase/query there is regarding my products. Your team has helped me automate my shipping management software and now I'm making money on easy mode knowing that I have the perfect product research to back it."
    Liam Walker, Business owner, Brisbane (Australia)


Defining your Research goals

Defining your Research goals

Understanding Customer Needs

Understanding Customer Needs

Analyze the Competition

Analyze the Competition

Studying the size of your market

Studying the size of your market

Keyword Targeting

Keyword Targeting

Customer trends

Customer trends

Market segmentation

Market segmentation

Providing a Model for Launch

Providing a Model for Launch

Performance Tracking & Improvements

Performance Tracking & Improvements

Industries we work in

Ecommerce website designs and development services

Retail / Ecommerce

Educational seo optimized websites

Education & e-learning

Health & Fitness digital marketing services

Health & Fitness

Logistics & Distribution digital marketing services

Logistics & Distribution

Game development and custom app development services


Social media marketing services

Social Networking

Real Estate seo and web development services

Real Estate

Travel blog seo and & Hospitality website design services with with seo optimized development experts

Travel & Hospitality

Food & Restaurant

Food & Restaurant

On Demand custom mobile app and websites Solutions

On Demand Solutions


Have a project in mind?

Send us a proposal for your Shopify, Dropshipping, and Amazon FBA product research. Get in touch with our team to get research on your Amazon PPC campaign, sourcing guide, and product page optimization.

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